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The Earth shall be Filled
04 Nov - Morning Service - 10:00am - Lindsay Brown - Habakkuk 2:14
Synthetic repentance
Why is that true repentance is so elusive?
A better hope
Reflections on a trip to the museum...
Calm in the storm
Reflecting on preparing a sermon...
A Better God
You never know who you might get chatting to around here...
No interruption
Some distractions are welcome, even on the busiest of days.
The issue of the heart
I keep learning these little lessons in seeing what's there...
Don't grieve the Spirit
23 Jun - Morning Service - 09:30am - Huw Williams - Ephesians 4: 17-32
Don't grieve the Spirit
23 Jun - Morning Service - 11:15am - Huw Williams - Ephesians 4: 17-32
The Method of Mission
23 Jun - Evening Service - 6:30pm - Hans Van Baaren - Matthew 28:6-20
Habakkuk's journey
Reflecting on recent sermons in Habakkuk.
Change in the air
Rejoicing in the change of season...
Rediscovering discovery
Our 'retreat week' last week didn't quite go according to plan...
It's still Summer
The Torinese return to work...
Church Tea with Dai Hankey
An update on Trevethin.
Take My Life
17 Jun - Morning Service Pprennau - 10:00am - Phil Jenkins
I click this button on my computer dozens of times every day. Just to confirm that no earth-shatteringly important emails have come in during the last five ...
The Great Outdoors...
The other evening, we returned to our apartment after a busy day, to discover that our street had been transformed into the scene of a party!
Gustav Mahler and the Apostle...
One of the things I knew would miss most in our move was, of course, making music.
Pizza, planes and partnership...
I write this having just waved off most of the party of Highfields visitors who have been with us for the weekend.
City Life
“Look at that street! Can you believe we live in this city?” said Alison the other evening as we walked home. And she had a good point.
...I wanted to live deliberately...
Almost overnight the temperature started to drop
On words....
So I've been thinking a bit about words. Actually I've been thinking a lot about words.
Practising and Preaching
I've had one of those weeks. You know, one of those weeks where all things seem to conspire to tell you how bad you are at everything.
On Coffee....
In the move to Torino, there are some things that have taken some adjusting to. The coffee isn’t one of them.
Far from a monologue...
We wrapped up our sermon series in Philippians this last Sunday with the last verses of the epistle.
People with white faces
There’s a guy who stands on the corner of Piazza Statuto and plays a saxophone.
And the earth was without form...
We stare into a mass of grey, as thick and as impenetrable as the clouds which have been casting rain upon the city, in such unrelenting fashion, for the past ...
Sunday mornings
Sunday mornings can feel a little hectic. When you meet in a school every Sunday, there's always setting up to be done,
What Christmas means to... Valerio
In our Christmas guest service last Sunday, I asked Valerio, one of the young men in our church, if he would share a quick two or three minutes with the ...