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From the Heart

It’s Harvest time and I‘ve just been rejoicing in God’s generosity to us in the gospel of His Son! What amazing grace!!

Peter Baker | 21:32, Wednesday, 29 September 2010


I’ve also received a “thank you” from the Welsh Director of Tear Fund for the £10, 023 we sent as a Church in response to the Haiti disaster. And then I read in a Church update of the 5k Highfields has given to the Pakistan crisis in recent weeks.  

I’m so glad to belong to a Church which is generous to global mission, even during times of economic difficulty.

I ‘m also aware that this summer as a Church, we have sent into Missions in the UK: a woman to work in Prisons running Christianity Explored courses, and two people to ministry amongst students (one in Wales and one in Scotland). Each of them is being financially supported to some extent by the generous giving of people whose hearts and pockets are touched by the grace of God in the gospel.

When we get grace, we get a grace filled heart which wants to give – time, money, and talent to the Lord of the Harvest. He wants to pray workers, and resources to support them, into the Harvest fields of the world.


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