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Re-Member: Andy Williams

Today, we are interviewing one of our amazing caretaker duo, Andy Williams!

Andy Williams

So Andy, how did you become a Christian? I grew up in a great Christian family and heard the gospel from a very young age. I understood it but drifted away until it gradually hooked me in as I simply understood that Jesus died for me and that I needed saving.


Tell us a little bit about what your job in Highfields actually entails.  I clean things, paint things, mend things, build things and keep things in place. I renovate, look after, sort out, manage and wash...I’m a caretaker! My big project is attempting to paint as much of the church as I am physically able before I leave...that’s fun.


What’s the best part of your working week? 6.00pm, home time! Lol. No, I really enjoy being in the Highfields environment and getting to know staff and people. I love the fact that I can structure my own week around what’s going on the church and what needs to

be done, it’s a job I love doing.


What are your plans for the future? I’ve just completed a brick-laying course, and so I’m looking to be able to join a construction company of sorts. That’d be great. I would enjoy a job involving a lot of building and practical work. My grand plan is that one day I would be able to design and build my own house!


How can we as a church be praying for you? I think I would ask prayer for wisdom to know what to do next; to know how to go about making important decisions regarding the future. I have a very good idea of what I want to do and where I want to be, but I want to be wise in how I do that, and prayer for that would be great.


Thanks Andy! You can find Andy either stacking chairs in the chapel or buried in the cupboard under stairwell ‘B’...


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