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Re-Member: Jenny Herbert

Today we are interviewing Jenny Herbert from the Reception Desk.

So, Jenny, who are you and what do you do?

I am Jenny Herbert from Abergavenny. I am 5ft, have brown hair, hazel eyes and am 27. I am a student nurse studying at the Heath!

Excellent! What do you want to do after you graduate? a nurse?

Good point. So, how have you ended up at Highfields?

Before I left Abergavenny to study in Cardiff, the church that was most talked about was Highfields. So on arrival, I found Highfields and began attending right away. I’ve been here ever since!

What do you like about Highfields, Jen?

I love the community atmosphere. I love the fact that there are loads of people I can talk to and I love being a part of a big church. I also
enjoy taking as many opportunities of serving as I can, such as cooking, providing teas and coffees and, of course, being on reception desk where you will usually find me. 

Marvellous. Tell us how you became a Christian.

It all began when my mum got talking to my dentist! You see, my older brother (he was 11 at the time, I was 9) was heading off to secondary school, and my mum was terrified he was going to get into the wrong crowd. My dentist suggested a Friday Night Club  at a local church and so he went to it. (The club that Dave Fielder used to lead and that Simon Price used to go to!) I later followed suit and was introduced to the Gospel. Many years later, after not doing anything about being a Christian, I chose to quit the club and crack on with my A-levels. That term, I began to read loads of Bible study notes that I’d collected and began to think about who Jesus really was. That term I also got invited to the Friday Night Club weekend away by over 5 people! So I went. But the Wednesday before I set myself a target of getting through the day without sinning...once! And if I succeeded then I knew I didn’t need Jesus. At the end of that Wednesday I realised I couldn’t NOT sin and so listened intently to the talks and the Gospel really hit me. That evening, as I was running across the Severn Bridge with a group of friends from the weekend away, I committed my life to Jesus. 



Amazing. Thank you so much Jen.


Jen can be found operating the reception desk!

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