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Re-View: Rev. Michael Green

An interview with Rev. Michael Green

Michael, tell us a little about your testimony and how you became a Christian

I grew up in a Christian family, the product of a Welsh father and an Australian mother and I was an only child.  My father was a wonderful preacher, a clergy man in the Church of England and I was a rebel!  At the age of 17 when I was at boarding school, I went to a meeting and the speaker stood up and said that Jesus Christ was real and could be known today.  I turned round to my friend who had brought me and said "that's rubbish, Jesus Christ is 2000 years out of date, who is this geezer?"  My friend said, "he's the Consultant Neurologist of a large hospital and editor of the BMJ."  I had to really re-think Jesus if someone like this was a Christian.  And I did ... it took me 8 months and Christ captured my heart.

Tell us about your family now.  Do you have children?

Yes, I have four children and one wife.  All my children have grown up and have children of their own.  One is a missionary, one is a doctor, one is a vet and one is a lawyer.  All are saved, including my grandchildren.

Tell us what you think is the biggest problem the church faces today?

There are three things.  Firstly, I think it has to be apathy and ignorance.  The lack of longing for the Gospel and the post modernist ideal is terribly damaging to people finding out about Christ.  Secondly, avery strong and resurgent militant Islam.  And thirdly, New Atheism, which just feeds very happily into the natural ungodliness of the country.  People now have a reason, almost, to rubbish the gospel in a structured and intellectual way.  These are the things that the church needs to be aware of, ready to fight against and be equipped to minister into.

Thanks Michael! 

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