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Re-View: Environment

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Of all the current hot potatoes that Christians like touching and munching over, the environment is hotter than most! Yet surely when our thinking and discussing is biblically balanced we lay the foundation for wide agreement and action.

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. God is the creator and sustainer of all things. All that he made he made good, in fact very good. And the centrepiece of his creation was humanity who, under God, were to have dominion over creation, as faithful stewards, subduing the earth with consideration and care, tending and nurturing and guarding the environment we’ve been lent.


Yet, because of our rebellion, the earth is subject to bondage, decay and frustration and waits (eagerly) to be liberated. And one day it will, the present heavens and earth are reserved for destruction, and new heavens and earth will be established.


Which means we are to live faithfully as good stewards of God’s creation, mindful that this world is fallen and passing away and looking forward to the new creation, made possible only because of Jesus. That means that at the centre of our care for this world will be a care for the spiritual state of those around us, who are heading for either the joy of renewed heavens and earth or an eternity apart from Jesus.


Simon Price

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